Seal Off the Area |
- Keep children and pregnant women out of the
- Remove as much furniture as you can from
the room. Cover remaining furniture with heavy
plastic sheets.
- Cover the work area floor with heavy plastic.
- Be careful not to track dust out of the area.
- Do not eat, drink or smoke while working
Avoid Dust, Chips or Fumes |
- Mist paint before you scrape or sand. Water
helps keep lead dust from the air.
- Don't sand blast or power wash. This creates
clouds of lead dust. Power sanders or grinders
should have HEPA filters and hoods to trap dust.
- Do not use open flames or heat guns above
1100° F.
- Do not use paint strippers with methylene
Keep the Area Clean |
- Place trash in heavy plastic bags.
- Use a vacuum with a HEPA filter to clean
up dust and debris.
Scrub floors and walls with soap and water.
Rinse well with clean water.
- Never burn trash with lead in it.
- Conduct a dust test to be sure the area is
safe for children or pregnant women.
Keep Dust Off Yourself |
- Be careful not to track lead dust around
your home.
- Change work clothes and shoes right after
you leave the work area.
- Wash work clothes separately from your family's
- Shower and wash your hair as soon as possible.
Use the Right Supplies |
- Safety glasses and special work clothes, gloves,
hat and shoes
- Heavy plastic sheets and tape
- Two pails -one to wash and one to rinse
- Soap and water
- Spray bottle to wet down work surfaces
- Rags or paper towels
- Heavy plastic trash bags
- HEPA vacuum to capture dust.
- Dust mask or respirator if dust is heavy